Sunday, January 16, 2011


erkk , i mimpi ke ? tak kan ? eh eh , betol ke nie ? haihh mimpi niee ! wait2 , mcm betol laa . haa betol laa tu . HAHAHA SUMPAH I SAYANG YOU SHAFIQ kite dah lame tak text . then , semlm i rindu gile babi kat you . then i text you , hee sumpah doe . i rindu sgt kat you . i dah nk mati dah rindu kat you . haha yg you plak , dah korek kubo awal2 dah . hahah bodoh-2 jea kite nie . eh you sayang i tak ? hee syg , thank you tau . cz you amek cuti then hang ngn i 29 nie . excited gile i nie doe . haha tak boleh tido time you ckp you nk amek cuti then hang ngn i . wahh ! i'm in love with you bie . iloveyou gilee .. hee i tak saba nk jmpe you . rindu gile nie . hope time kite meet tu tade pape jadi kan kan ? heh god save me :') the most important thing is i suke sgt tgk text you yg nie oke oke bie mtk cuti oke .. demi cinte kite nie .. HAHAHA best kan ? hee i sayang you bie gile . jgn sakit kan hati i tau . muahh muahh 

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